BBS Tutorial

Broken Heart Shayari In English

By Admin

11 August 2024


A broken heart is one of the most painful experiences anyone can endure. When words fail, Broken Heart Shayari in English becomes a powerful medium to express the deep, raw emotions that come with heartbreak. Whether you’re dealing with the end of a relationship, unrequited love, or simply missing someone, these shayaris can help you articulate the pain, sorrow, and longing you feel. In this post, we have curated some of the most heartfelt and poignant shayaris that capture the essence of a broken heart. Let these words be your solace, your companion in this journey of healing.

Broken Heart Shayari in English

  1. The tears in my eyes speak the words I cannot say,
    A heart so broken, wishing it could fade away.

    This shayari beautifully captures the feeling of silent suffering, where tears become the language of a heart too shattered to speak.

  2. You left me in the middle of nowhere,
    Now my heart is lost, wandering in despair.

    A poignant reflection on being abandoned in love, this shayari describes the deep sense of loss and confusion that follows.

  3. Promises were made, but they were broken,
    Now all I have are memories unspoken.

    This shayari touches on the betrayal and disappointment that come with broken promises, leaving behind only memories that haunt.

  4. You were the reason I smiled every day,
    Now you're the reason my happiness fades away.

    A shayari that perfectly conveys the irony of love, where the same person who once brought joy is now the source of pain.

  5. My heart was yours, but you didn’t care,
    Now it’s shattered, beyond repair.

    This shayari expresses the feeling of giving everything to someone who didn't appreciate it, resulting in a heart that feels irreparably broken.


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Shayari for Unrequited Love

Unrequited love is one of the most painful forms of heartbreak. The longing for someone who doesn't feel the same way can be overwhelming.

  1. I loved you with all my heart,
    But you never saw, never played your part.

    This shayari is a reflection of the one-sided love where despite giving your all, you are left unnoticed and unloved.

  2. You were my everything, but I was nothing to you,
    Now I’m left with a love that was never true.

    The sorrow of loving someone who never loved you back is captured in this shayari, where the realization of being insignificant to someone breaks the heart.

  3. My love was pure, but you were blind,
    Now I'm left with a lonely mind.

    This shayari speaks to the pain of unreciprocated love, where the purity of one’s feelings goes unnoticed and unvalued.

  4. Every heartbeat was for you,
    But you never cared, never knew.

    A simple yet powerful shayari that reflects the anguish of loving someone who never acknowledged your existence.


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Shayari on Lost Love

Losing love, whether through time or circumstances, leaves a void that’s hard to fill. These shayaris express the grief of lost love.

  1. Time took you away, but my love remains,
    Now my heart aches with silent pains.

    This shayari captures the enduring pain of losing a loved one over time, where love remains despite the loss.

  2. In your absence, I feel so lost,
    Missing you, no matter the cost.

    The deep sense of loss and yearning for someone who’s no longer there is perfectly depicted in this shayari.

  3. We were once a story, written in the stars,
    Now I’m left with nothing but scars.

    A poetic reflection on how once-beautiful relationships can turn into painful memories, leaving behind only emotional scars.

  4. Our love was a fire, now it's just ash,
    I’m left with memories that burn and crash.

    This shayari speaks to the end of a passionate love that has burned out, leaving only painful memories in its wake.


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Healing from Heartbreak

While heartbreak can be devastating, it’s also a journey towards healing and self-discovery. These shayaris focus on the hope and strength found in moving forward.

  1. A broken heart will mend with time,
    I’ll find new love, my own sunshine.

    This shayari reflects the hope and belief that, with time, the pain will heal and new love will emerge.

  2. I may be shattered now, but I’ll rise again,
    Stronger, wiser, free from the pain.

    A powerful shayari about resilience, this one emphasizes the strength that comes from overcoming heartbreak.

  3. The tears will dry, the pain will fade,
    I’ll rebuild my heart, not be afraid.

    This shayari is about the courage to heal and rebuild after experiencing deep emotional pain.

  4. Broken but not defeated, I’ll find my way,
    My heart will love again, brighter every day.

    A message of hope, this shayari encourages moving forward with the belief that love will find its way back into your life.


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Broken Heart Shayari in English serves as a poignant reminder that while heartbreak is inevitable, it is also an integral part of the human experience. These shayaris provide a voice to the pain, sorrow, and longing that come with a broken heart, but they also offer hope and encouragement to move forward. Whether you're currently going through a tough time or reflecting on past heartbreaks, these shayaris remind us that we are not alone in our struggles. Through these words, may you find the strength to heal, the courage to move on, and the hope that love will find its way back into your life. Heartbreak is not the end; it is the beginning of a new journey towards self-discovery and true love.